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NCCS Research Committee & Scientific Advisory Board

NCCS Research Committee

Members of the NCCS Research Committee – 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026

Core Members ​ ​

Professor Teh Bin Tean
(Appointed as Chair in Apr 2016)

​Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Research), NCCS

Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Cancer Epigenome

​Professor Lim Soon Thye
Chief Executive Officer, NCCS​
Professor N.Gopalakrishna Iyer​Head, Medical Sciences
Assoc Professor Ong Choon Kiat
Acting Head, Cellular & Molecular Research
Assoc Professor Daniel Tan ​Head, Clinical Trials & Epidemiological Sciences
Professor David Virshup​​Program Director, CSCB, Duke-NUS

Assoc Professor Henry Ho (wef 1 Apr 2022)

Alternate: Assoc Professor Johnny Ong

Div Chair, Surgery and Surgical Oncology, SGH & NCCS

Assoc Professor Ravindran Kanesvaran

Alternate: Assoc Professor Iain Tan

Div Chair, Medical Oncology, NCCS​

Clin Asst Professor Michael Wang​

Alternate: Clin Asst Professor Jeffrey Tuan

Div Chair, Radiation Oncology, NCCS​

Clin ​Professor Thng Choon Hua

Alternate: Dr Chan Wan Ying

HOD, Oncologic Imaging, NCCS​

Clin Asst Professor Shirlynn Ho

Alternate: Asst Professor Grace Yang

​HOD, Supportive and Palliative Care, NCCS

​Non-Voting Ex Officio Members ​ ​
Mr Chong Pang Boon​Chief Operating Officer, NCCS
Ms Geraldine OngChief Financial Officer, NCCS​
Professor Rebecca Dent
​Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Clinical), NCCS
​​​Dr Elaine Lim (wef 1 May 2019)
​Director, Division of Community Outreach and Philanthropy, NCCS
Professor Toh Han Chong​​Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Strategic Partnerships), NCCS
​Professor Ong Sin Tiong ​Professor, CSCB, Duke-NUS
Professor Balram Chowbay​​Principal Pharmacologist, Clinical Pharmacology Lab, NCCS
Mr Martin TanDirector, Research Administration, NCCS

NCCS Scientific Advisory Board

Professor Webster K. Cavenee
Cancer Research Director of Strategic Alliances
in Central Nervous System Cancers,
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Distinguished Professor
University of California, San Diego
Professor Michael B. Kastan
Executive Director, Duke Cancer Institute
William and Jane Shingleton Professor,
Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Professor of Pediatrics
Duke University School of Medicine
Professor Patrick Maxwell
Regius Professor of Physic and
Head of the School of Clinical Medicine
University of Cambridge