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Palliative Care Nursing Education

Our flagship programme, the Specialist Diploma in Palliative Care Nursing (SDPCN), co-run by Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Dover Park Hospice. Since its inception in 2012, over 300 nurses have been trained and equipped with palliative care expertise, increasing the accessibility and standard of palliative care across Singapore. 

Objective: To empower nurses with specialist palliative nursing knowledge. 


  1. Common Cancers 
  2. Pain & Symptom Management 
  3. Palliative Care in Non-Cancer Illness 
  4. Communication & Psychosocial Skills 
  5. History Taking & Physical Assessment 
  6. Emergencies in Oncology/Palliative Care 
  7. Clinical Nursing Skills & Complementary Therapy 
  8. Clinical Consolidation 

If you are interested in the programme, click here to apply. 

The Advanced Diploma in Palliative Care will be launched in 2025. It is an enhanced step up programme to the SDPCN, allowing nurses to have an advanced diploma certificate. Students with the SDPCN can offset some modules to complete the course. 


  1. Applied Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 
  2. Health Assessment & Clinical Decision Making 
  3. Evidence-Based Practice 
  4. Principles and Practice of Palliative Care 
  5. Serious Illness Management 
  6. Symptom Management in Serious Illness 
  7. Communication and Psychosocial Skills 
  8. Advanced Clinical Practicum in Palliative Care Nursing 1, 2 and 3 

Further details to be released later.